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[jvm]\ class Builder


Builder [jvm]
fun Builder()


Name Summary
addInterceptor [jvm]
@JvmName(name = "-addInterceptor")
inline fun addInterceptor(crossinline block: (chain: Interceptor.Chain) -> Response): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun addInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor): OkHttpClient.Builder
addNetworkInterceptor [jvm]
@JvmName(name = "-addNetworkInterceptor")
inline fun addNetworkInterceptor(crossinline block: (chain: Interceptor.Chain) -> Response): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun addNetworkInterceptor(interceptor: Interceptor): OkHttpClient.Builder
authenticator [jvm]
fun authenticator(authenticator: Authenticator): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the authenticator used to respond to challenges from origin servers. Use proxyAuthenticator to set the authenticator for proxy servers.
build [jvm]
fun build(): OkHttpClient
cache [jvm]
fun cache(cache: Cache?): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the response cache to be used to read and write cached responses.
callTimeout [jvm]
fun callTimeout(duration: Duration): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun callTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the default timeout for complete calls. A value of 0 means no timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer.MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.
certificatePinner [jvm]
fun certificatePinner(certificatePinner: CertificatePinner): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the certificate pinner that constrains which certificates are trusted. By default HTTPS connections rely on only the SSL socket factory to establish trust. Pinning certificates avoids the need to trust certificate authorities.
connectionPool [jvm]
fun connectionPool(connectionPool: ConnectionPool): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the connection pool used to recycle HTTP and HTTPS connections.
connectionSpecs [jvm]
fun connectionSpecs(connectionSpecs: List<ConnectionSpec>): OkHttpClient.Builder
connectTimeout [jvm]
fun connectTimeout(duration: Duration): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun connectTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the default connect timeout for new connections. A value of 0 means no timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer.MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.
cookieJar [jvm]
fun cookieJar(cookieJar: CookieJar): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the handler that can accept cookies from incoming HTTP responses and provides cookies to outgoing HTTP requests.
dispatcher [jvm]
fun dispatcher(dispatcher: Dispatcher): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the dispatcher used to set policy and execute asynchronous requests. Must not be null.
dns [jvm]
fun dns(dns: Dns): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the DNS service used to lookup IP addresses for hostnames.
eventListener [jvm]
fun eventListener(eventListener: EventListener): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure a single client scoped listener that will receive all analytic events for this client.
eventListenerFactory [jvm]
fun eventListenerFactory(eventListenerFactory: EventListener.Factory): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure a factory to provide per-call scoped listeners that will receive analytic events for this client.
fastFallback [jvm]
fun fastFallback(fastFallback: Boolean): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure this client to perform fast fallbacks by attempting multiple connections concurrently, returning once any connection connects successfully.
followRedirects [jvm]
fun followRedirects(followRedirects: Boolean): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure this client to follow redirects. If unset, redirects will be followed.
followSslRedirects [jvm]
fun followSslRedirects(followProtocolRedirects: Boolean): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure this client to allow protocol redirects from HTTPS to HTTP and from HTTP to HTTPS. Redirects are still first restricted by followRedirects. Defaults to true.
hostnameVerifier [jvm]
fun hostnameVerifier(hostnameVerifier: HostnameVerifier): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the verifier used to confirm that response certificates apply to requested hostnames for HTTPS connections.
interceptors [jvm]
fun interceptors(): MutableList<Interceptor>
Returns a modifiable list of interceptors that observe the full span of each call: from before the connection is established (if any) until after the response source is selected (either the origin server, cache, or both).
minWebSocketMessageToCompress [jvm]
fun minWebSocketMessageToCompress(bytes: Long): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets minimum outbound web socket message size (in bytes) that will be compressed.
networkInterceptors [jvm]
fun networkInterceptors(): MutableList<Interceptor>
Returns a modifiable list of interceptors that observe a single network request and response. These interceptors must call Interceptor.Chain.proceed exactly once: it is an error for a network interceptor to short-circuit or repeat a network request.
pingInterval [jvm]
fun pingInterval(duration: Duration): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun pingInterval(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the interval between HTTP/2 and web socket pings initiated by this client. Use this to automatically send ping frames until either the connection fails or it is closed. This keeps the connection alive and may detect connectivity failures.
protocols [jvm]
fun protocols(protocols: List<Protocol>): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure the protocols used by this client to communicate with remote servers. By default this client will prefer the most efficient transport available, falling back to more ubiquitous protocols. Applications should only call this method to avoid specific compatibility problems, such as web servers that behave incorrectly when HTTP/2 is enabled.
proxy [jvm]
fun proxy(proxy: Proxy?): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the HTTP proxy that will be used by connections created by this client. This takes precedence over proxySelector, which is only honored when this proxy is null (which it is by default). To disable proxy use completely, call proxy(Proxy.NO_PROXY).
proxyAuthenticator [jvm]
fun proxyAuthenticator(proxyAuthenticator: Authenticator): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the authenticator used to respond to challenges from proxy servers. Use authenticator to set the authenticator for origin servers.
proxySelector [jvm]
fun proxySelector(proxySelector: ProxySelector): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the proxy selection policy to be used if no proxy is specified explicitly. The proxy selector may return multiple proxies; in that case they will be tried in sequence until a successful connection is established.
readTimeout [jvm]
fun readTimeout(duration: Duration): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun readTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the default read timeout for new connections. A value of 0 means no timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer.MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.
retryOnConnectionFailure [jvm]
fun retryOnConnectionFailure(retryOnConnectionFailure: Boolean): OkHttpClient.Builder
Configure this client to retry or not when a connectivity problem is encountered. By default, this client silently recovers from the following problems:
socketFactory [jvm]
fun socketFactory(socketFactory: SocketFactory): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the socket factory used to create connections. OkHttp only uses the parameterless SocketFactory.createSocket method to create unconnected sockets. Overriding this method, e. g., allows the socket to be bound to a specific local address.
sslSocketFactory [jvm]
fun sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory: SSLSocketFactory, trustManager: X509TrustManager): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the socket factory and trust manager used to secure HTTPS connections. If unset, the system defaults will be used.
writeTimeout [jvm]
fun writeTimeout(duration: Duration): OkHttpClient.Builder
fun writeTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): OkHttpClient.Builder
Sets the default write timeout for new connections. A value of 0 means no timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer.MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.