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[jvm]\ fun minFresh(minFresh: Int, timeUnit: TimeUnit): CacheControl.Builder

Sets the minimum number of seconds that a response will continue to be fresh for. If the response will be stale when minFresh have elapsed, the cached response will not be used and a network request will be made.



minFresh a non-negative integer. This is stored and transmitted with TimeUnit.SECONDS precision; finer precision will be lost.

[common]\ expect fun minFresh(minFresh: Int, timeUnit: DurationUnit): CacheControl.Builder

Sets the minimum number of seconds that a response will continue to be fresh for. If the response will be stale when minFresh have elapsed, the cached response will not be used and a network request will be made.



minFresh a non-negative integer. This is stored and transmitted with TimeUnit.SECONDS precision; finer precision will be lost.

[jvm]\ actual fun minFresh(minFresh: Int, timeUnit: DurationUnit): CacheControl.Builder